Tina's parents returned to Canada on Monday night. Her mom stayed with us the past month, whereas her dad stayed with us for less than a week. Now, it's not uncommon to read or hear horror stories of in-laws visiting. I'm glad to say that I really enjoyed their visit with us.
At first, you could tell Mom was a bit unsettled, trying to adjust to a different lifestyle here. In Canada, she's always busy cooking, babysitting, looking after their students, bible study, mahjong, etc. Here it was a different story for her. The only person she had to look after was Isaac, and that was only for a few hours each day. So, you could tell that Mom was getting antsy during that first week. But eventually, she got used to the more relaxed style. She was whistling while walking from room to room. She was smiling and laughing while watching TV. I even heard her singing in the shower! She even found things to do here, as my mom would take her out shopping, to church, or even to some bible study groups!
It was cute to see Tina's mom get excited when Dad flew in. Apprently this is the longest they've been apart. Tina said she saw even saw them holding hands while we walked through San Francisco.
Tina's parents and my parents at first might seem very different, and in some ways they are! But as I get to know her parents more, I see our parents as being very the same. They both have little kookie idiosyncrasies that can be irritating. They both have to deal with being grandparents and relinquishing parenting power. Yet they also both love their children, their in-law spouses, and their grandchildren very much. Also both are still willing to sacrifice to help us out.
My mom and her siblings all take turns with housing their parents (my lola/lolo). I've always known that I would be ok taking in my parents as they grow old, sharing the responsibility with my sister. As I've gotten to know Tina's parents, I know that I would enjoy taking them in as well. Hey, it's the pinoy, extended family thing to do.
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