12784 days and still counting
I live 35 miles away, parking spot to parking spot, from work. When there's no traffic, my average trip takes 35 minutes, which gives an average of 60 mph. I suppose that makes sense given some of the lights I go through off of the freeway.
In the mornings, I like to listen to KCBS 740. The all-talk radio keeps me up on traffice reports and main current events. In the afternoon, I listen to my ipod or CD's (after listening to KCBS for traffic updates).
Somedays, I prefer driving with the radio off, allowing the din of the wind and the zooming of cars to steer my thoughts. About a week ago, during one of those radio-off days, my musings meandered into thoughts of my upcoming birthday.
I'm not a big b-day celebrating guy. To me, birthday's are just another day. Now, I'm not being sour or indifferent about bdays. Nah, I would even say it's more the opposite. As hokey as it sounds, I'm such an optimistic, free-spirited, young at heart person that I try to celebrate everyday!
Anyway, during this drive, I realized that this year I would be turning 35. At that instant, for the first time in my life, a tingle of anxiety woke up and kick-started my rusted-out, under-used "I'm Getting Old" warning system. I've always said that I LOVE the thirties and that still holds true. But after 35, the next age-milestone is 40. I mean, you might as well skip 36, 37, 38, and 39! Those years just wither and crumble at the looming, domineering age of FORTY YEARS OLD. When I say 40, the color gray comes in mind. When I say 40, I envision graying hairs (which ARE popping up like weeds). When I say 40, I think Buick and Oldsmobile.
During that drive I really started to grasp the magnitude of my age. I wondered what the next five years would hold for me. I even started worrying if I would ever think of myself as "young" again.
Sure you can throw at me the cliches: "Age ain't nothing but a number" or "You're only as old as you feel" or "Yah but you're young at heart" or even "Hey – Glass full! Glass full! You're 40 years young!!". I hear ya and know too that those are all words I WILL live by. I will still strive to be young at heart, and I will still try to smile and laugh more than I smile and laugh now. And yes, the glass will still be half-full.
At 25, I would never have guessed that at 35, I still think of myself as 25. If the derivative of my attitude is 0, then when I'm 45, I should still think of myself as 25!
But still it's a fact. I am getting older.
There were 9 Leap Years from 1970 to 2005. Add to this the 26 regular years and by Friday, I will have lived 12784 days. [If you go strictly by the solar year (1 year = 365.25 days) then I will have lived 12783.75 days].
Time marches on ... 8)
Same thing happened to me four years ago driving down 280 on my 30th. One thing that helps is when you realize that a whole lot of people have squandered their 12784 days, whereas you are living the life that you wanted to live. Here's to another 35 years, homeboy...looking forward to celebrating with ya on Friday.
5:42 PM
My physical therapist said something interesting to me the other day. She said when other people are sad about getting older on their birthdays, she tells them to look at the bright side knowing that they lived to see their next birthday.
Happy Birthday E!
9:05 PM
is today your actual birthday? happy birthday! :)
4:43 PM
Happy bday Mr Cruz! To my mind, you've struck a balance in life that a lot of guys hope to achieve and maybe never do. Keep on truckin...
9:46 AM
happy birthday, ED! Here's to more years of pop-rockin' and break dancin'!!!
12:04 PM
Happy Birthday Professor!!
someone asked me last night how old I was, and I couldn't remember if I was 37 or 38. i'm looking at 40 coming soon really fast, and i don't mind. but like you said, skipping over all years between 35 and 40, i can't remember how old i am. i just say, almost 40!
12:28 PM
hey... i drive a buick!! (or is it an oldsmobile...)
12:30 PM
Happy Birthday!.....a little late i know...
12:03 PM
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