ang mga isip ko

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

A Watched Pot

In 1986, my junior year of high school, an english teacher had us read Samuel Beckett's play, Waiting for Godot. I don't remember particulars such as character names or quotes, but I still remember the gist of the play: waiting sucks, but it's part of life.

We ride the roller coaster of almost parenthood.

Last Thursday, Tina's OB/GYN said that she was beginning to dilate more and was at about 1cm. She told us to not go far, to celebrate our 1st year anniversary at home, and to get ready because Tina could deliver within the week.

We left the Dr.'s office EXCITED and NERVOUS and EAGER and ANXIOUS, the whole swirl of it all! "The baby is coming! The baby is coming!"; and it made sense because Tina had been feeling the Braxton-Hicks contractions (false contractions) since Monday and would have to pause every few steps to deal with pressure and cramping.

That night, I searched for the hospital and Dr. phone numbers, got the baby's hospital bag ready, and prepared all of Tina's toiletries in the event of a late nite or early morning rush! Her overnight bags were set. We got out our timer to time contractions, especially because a few big spasms hit Tina at around 11pm.

Well we eventually fell asleep, only to awake the next morning, still excitedly, nervously, eagerly, and anxiously waiting for the arrival of baby. Slightly disappointed, we resigned ourselves to knowing that by the end of the weekend, we would be proud new parents!

Come Saturday, still no we resorted to Plan B. Now, many people have suggested to us that walking speeds up the birthing process. Well what better place to walk than at the San Jose Flea Market? The sun was out and I suggested we bring an umbrella: 8 miles of flea market is a lot of walking! We took it easy, pausing when necessary. It was a nice day and we had a good time. Tina bought a car charger for her phone, and I bought a new cowboy hat :)

It's a close game with twenty seconds left in the 4th quarter (or 3rd period for the northerners), but we have to pause for a commerical break.

We walked. and walked. and walked. It's now Wednesday, and my poor wife has probably walked the length of a marathon. We did the flea market; we did the beach; we've walked several malls. Still no birthing.

Gone too are the strong spasms and the measured walking. It's like baby said, "You know what? It's kinda nice in here...I think I'll stay a litttttle bit longer. Mom...Dad? I've changed my mind; go ahead and chill for a bit."

Waiting for baby is like watching water boil. It's time to bring out the big guns now. It's time for plan C. Maybe Tina will tell you that one.


Blogger Mel said...

Hi Ed! I have never gone through a blog so fast before...hoping to read that your bundle of joy has arrived...

If the walking hasn't helped, try having sex...if you're comfy with that...=) It's supposed to help speed things up, too.

8:23 AM

Blogger cristina said...

i haven't heard from tina in the past few days so i thought she already went into labour!! I can't believe it's going to happen this week!!!

plan "c"....i know what that one is...haha.....:)

9:06 AM

Blogger triple5funk said...

there's a pizza place in concord that supposedly makes a pizza pie especially for childbirth...let me know if ya want me to bring one over! ;) -yvette

8:55 AM

Blogger MnM said...

Hey Ed! It's My- just rollin' thru your site. I read through Mrs. Laxa's site that you're a new daddy! CONGRATS! I didn't even know you were married...belated CONGRATS!!! Good luck to you and your wife and God bless your lil' bundle of joy. Take care! =)

9:46 PM


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