ang mga isip ko

Thursday, May 13, 2004

In the name of the Father, and of ...

the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For some of my friends, driving by Church automatically kicks in their Sign of the Cross reflex. My relatives (including myself on occasion) will motion the Sign of the Cross once they get in a car and are about to go for a drive.

When I've gestured the Sign of the Cross outside of going into Church or during Mass, I was searching for a blessing such as "God, please bless me in my journey cuz I'm about to get on the road." I suppose it's been my way of dealing with the unknown, the unforseeable. Bad things happen, and it doesn't hurt to ask for unearthly protection. I'm not the best practicing Catholic, perhaps not even a mediocre one. But I do believe that there's more out there than what we see and breathe.

Even before the introduction of Catholicism into the Philippines, Pilipinos were seeking guidance and protection from Spirits around us. Two summers ago, an Ifugao mumbaki (priest/Shaman) sung my friends and I a ten minute chant, calling on his ancestors to bless our journey through the Philippines. He sealed the deal with the sacrifice of a native chicken, following ancient traditions that included reading the chickens gizzards.

(Signing the Sign of the Cross is much easier ;) )

Today, I saw two of my students motion the Sign of the Cross just as they began taking one of my Math exams. The exam was on some challenging material, and it's fair to say that most of my students had high anxiety today. People have been streaming in and out of my office hours this past week trying to catch up, get questions answered, or explain their "situations". So I know my students have been stressed out. And I can remember how that feels! Even I've used the Sign of the Cross before a test, putting up that brief little prayer asking for an easy test or at least clear thought to the right answer.

Now my approach is a little different because I've learned Divine intervention doesn't grant easy tests with easy answers. No, divine intervention only grants me The Choice. This Choice is to prepare or not prepare before the test. Looking at the numbers, most of my students can pass this class with an A. But, they make poor choices. And as much as I wish it would help, the Sign of the Cross won't grant an easy test...especially not in my class!

Asking for a blessing is a great thing to do. Now though, after much of my own trial and error in life, my little prayers don't ask for a passing grade or a safe trip. Instead they are focused on helping me find my center, my calm, and my belief in my ability. It's these things which allow me to handle those unforseen life situations...long drives through hail and rain, sickness in the family, money problems, and even fatherhood.

I still believe in miracles. I still believe in the Big Scheme of Life, Divine Intervention, and even Destiny...shoot I met my wife in Canada-after 3 or 4 gigs where our paths could have, but just didn't cross. But I also believe in the potential of people. People have it within themselves to shape their Destiny.

Those two students who gestured the Sign of the Cross? They're solid A/B students. :)


Blogger bev said...

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10:43 AM

Blogger bev said...

hey I like this template better! :) bev

10:44 AM

Blogger Edward said...

thanks! yeah i like the smaller font!

10:53 AM


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