ang mga isip ko

Monday, April 05, 2004


In a few days, I embark on a much bally-hooed Rite of Spring where young collegiates oft revel in liquid-depressant-induced stupors: Spring Break. Years prior would find me longing, counting the days to this blessed event! But alas, I no longer heed that siren's song which lulls young men to sun-bleached sands and smoke-filled bars. The song is still there, but only faint and ignored. No, this Spring Break, I and my newly found life-partner + offspring will venture forth North to the expanse of British Columbia in Canada where I will spend a much coveted 11 days away from work.

And when I return, when I return to Contra Costa College mid-April, my countdown clock resets as I tick off 6 weeks to the start of yet another seasonal break: Summer Vacation.


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