ang mga isip ko

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Killing time at work

It's 3:23pm and 2º short of 80º (or using the formula Cº = (5/9)*(Fº – 32), about 26ºC...heh heh...cmon...I'm a Math teacher). It seems hotter than yesterday, so I bet some temperature records have dropped today too. If this were any other day, I would already be home from work, enjoying a cool adult beverage or a scoop of creamed ice. But alas, tears tears to me, I'm here at work today until 5pm.

At 4pm today I will be interviewing a candidate for an adjunct professor position. At this college, I've probably interviewed 15 people since I started work. It's a routine process: first we ask set questions pertaining to Basic Skills mathematics instruction, then we have the candidate conduct a teaching demonstration, then we try to answer any questions that the candidate might have, and we finish off the process (after the candidate leaves) with a discussion on how the candidate faired.

It's been awhile since I've gone through the interview gauntlet. Most of interviews have been panel-style. I sit in front of 5-6 people who take turns asking me questions. Most of my interviews have also included teaching demonstrations. My hardest interview was a group interview. Here the panel interviewed 5 or 6 candidates at the same time. It was tough trying to make my answers stand out or apart from the other candidates...especially when most were essentially saying the same thing!
I've had two bad interviews in my life. In the first, I was underqualified for the job and pretty much BS-ed my way through the interview...and the interviewers knew it too! Heh heh, I think I was slinging it around like mud! During the second worst, I broke a computer during the interview :)


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